Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy of Klantendienst

This document serves as a comprehensive guide to clarify how employs cookies and manages personal data of its visitors. Designed to be in full compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this policy provides insights into the types of cookies we use, the nature of data we collect, and the security measures we have in place to protect your data.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer that allow us to enhance your experience on our website. By using cookies, we are able to remember your preferences, tailor content to your interests, and analyze web traffic patterns.

Types of Cookies and Their Purposes

Type of CookiePurpose of UseDuration of Storage
Session CookiesThese are essential for managing user sessions effectively.Expires at end of session
Analytical CookiesThese help us understand user behavior by tracking interactions on the website.Stored for 2 years
Preference CookiesThese remember user preferences to provide a more personalized experience.Stored for 1 year

Data Collection and Processing

In order to provide better services and user experience, Klantendienst engages in various methods of data collection:

  • Through forms (e.g., contact forms)
  • Via analytical services to understand user interactions
  • Direct email communications

The data we collect may include personally identifiable information, such as your name, email, and phone number, as well as non-personally identifiable information like browsing history.

User Rights and Access Under GDPR

Under the GDPR framework, you have the right to access, modify, delete, or contest your personal data. To exercise any of these rights, please send an email to [email protected].

Security Measures

We prioritize the safety of your personal data.Klantendienst is protected by robust security protocols including the use of SSL certificates and regular updates to ensure the security measures are in line with current best practices.

Changes to the Policy

Any amendments to this policy will be promptly reflected on this page. Therefore, we recommend reviewing this policy periodically to stay updated on how we handle and protect your personal data.

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