About Us

Welcome to the Klantendienst! We’re here to facilitate your interaction with various brands’ customer support services.

Our Services

  1. Company Customer Service Information: Within articles related to individual companies, you can find the phone numbers for their customer service. These numbers are collected from open sources.
  2. Our Own Customer Service: We also have an independent customer service team that has no affiliation with the brands listed. Our team is here to answer your questions and solve your problems.

Navigating Our Website

  • Company Phone Numbers: In articles about specific companies, you’ll find their customer service numbers displayed in text format.
  • Reaching Our Customer Service: Throughout our site, you will see special contact buttons that allow quick and easy access to our own customer service team.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can reach us either by clicking on the special contact buttons throughout our website or by sending us an email at [email protected].

We are always here to assist you with your questions and suggestions. Have a great day!

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